SwiftKit News
With Jagex's release of the Adventure's Log, we have been pondering what exactly we could do with it. We identified where the browser-based interface was lacking and how we could improve it with SwiftKit RS. Thus, the Adventure Log Center was born. The Adventurer Log Center is located under the Utilities menu and consists of two sections, which are the Lookup and Notifications.
The Lookup tab is similar to the other lookups in SwiftKit. Entering a valid username (has membership, Adventure Log set to public) and searching will show all their recent activity, neatly arranged in a table with appropriate icons, date and description.
The Notifications tab is probably what makes this utility so great, and what we are most excited about. To start, simply enter the usernames of players you want to receive notifications for (you may add up to 15) and wait for one of them to do something worth logging in their Adventure Log. You'll get a pleasant surprise when you see a window glide upwards in the bottom-right of the client when one of your friends has achieved something. A demo of the notification is available at the bottom of the Notifications tab.
It is noteworthy that there are two separate delays with notifications. Jagex have an undefined delay when adding to your Adventure Log. It seems that the updates run on an approximately 5 minute cycle so the time for something to be added to your Adventure Log may will vary each time. The second delay is so that your connection (and Jagex's resources, for that matter!) doesn't get overloaded with requests. The fastest SwiftKit will check for notifications is 1 minute per username. If you have 3 usernames on your notify list you will be limited to a minimum time of 3 minutes to do a lookup on all 3.
We hope you will enjoy this utility just as much as we do! Remember if you have any suggestions, comments or a bug please let us know on the SwiftKit Forums
Changes and Fixes:
+ Adventurer Log Center added!
+ Fixed ImageShack uploader.
+ Fixed connection test in Diagnostics.
+ Added two new buttons to the internal Stats Lookup.
+ Changed the 'username' head icon to a better looking fella.
+ Changed the progress bar font to Verdana.
+ Fixed bug in Skills Calculator where the wrong images were loading.
+ Screenshot uploader now gives a helpful message if the upload failed.
+ Corrected a potential security flaw in Launcher.
P.S. Zpoon hasn't really ditched us, as you can see with the graphic above he's back from vacation. Zpoon has asked if everyone could please stop sending him emails either abusing him or asking why he left. :-D
mine swifkit got a lot of laggs how i can stop it its ignoring :p
Upper the stats lookup, third icon from left.
nvm.... found it....... haaha didnt look hard enoughh i guess
ok, maybe im just a dumbass, but i can't find where the adventurer's log is located under utilities
is there some update i need to install? o.O
(looks at p.s)
Did people really take it THAT far?
@Stat Phantom the reason why they are different is to take into account Swiftkit:Stellar Dawn
Also to point out that The SwiftKit launcher, SK:RS and SK:SD are separate from one another.
Brilliant! one of the best releases yet i must say and I've been around since SwiftSwitch. Here's a sugestion, why don't you make the shortcut icon that appears on your desktop the same as the one that appears in the top left-hand corner of the window and on the task bar? in my opinion that icon would look better because the current one is a little dull.
@Claytonf89 it still does you need to login first for it to display.
Hey Nice work guys, im very pleased because now i dont have to load up the internet to see my adventure log, thanks you guys, its ace! :)
You know on the old advernture log , it used to show how many days someone has played rs for , anyone know why they dont have that anymore ??
Love it guys. The fact that you increased the adventure logs ammount is awesome thats a problem i have had with the beta verson of rs. Thanks guys =).
Hey has anyone else noticed that if you make changes on the skill calculator it will immediately switch the windows that are active?
woop time for more rs stalking :p
Hey guys,nice update,the alog shows lots more than the normal one on runescape, its very nice,u guys do a hard work on everything here,thank you very much,swiftkit helps me alottt
Click on the RSS icon when looking someone up on the RuneScape website Adventurer's Log.
Where can I find a link to the 'lite' version of the Adventurers Log?
Wonderful again, with another update! Swiftkit just improves each time new content is released. Great job!
For all you people who may be questioning SwiftKit's legality -- we use the 'lite' version of the Adventure Log to parse information from (the RSS feed).
Lets get a internal link to google so we can browse through the main window :D
Woot 1rst comment!
Nice work guys!