SwiftKit News
You've probably noticed that there hasn't been a great deal of SwiftKit for Windows development lately. That's partly because I was overseas travelling, but the main reason is we've been focusing on our mobile alternatives. If you've been living under a rock and aren't aware, we now have mobile versions of SwiftKit for both Android and iOS devices.
Some of the features include Stat Lookups, Item and NPC Lookups, GE Prices, Skill Calculators, World Map, Adventure Log lookup and much more. So what are you waiting for? Head on over to the Android Marketplace or iTunes Store and checkout SwiftKit Mobile. You will find we offer both a free version, and a more feature enhanced full version.
il give u guys a tip. make a blackberry app since 75% ppl using a blackberry
SwiftKit Mobile going great guns! - 07/09/11
Guns? I don't get it
You should really get the app running for Windows
ColloQuy for iPhone IRC Client for all of you that wants it :)
The app should be completely free just as the verson on a pc.... I removed it shortly after finding out that 70% of the app you need to pay for. Might redownload if you choose to in the future making the app 100% free.
Living under a rock and AREn't aware. I think you'll do well with read-aloud jokes in the future, even then..
PLEASE MAKE A WP7 version. But make it whne the mangoo update come out for public. XD
There are a multitude of irc clients for both android and iOS, taking time to develop one and add it is not something we view as useful. The client for mobile devices is more for quick lookups.
Are you going to add irc support? Would be quite pro if so :P
I'v seen the app on my dads HTC sensation. I will be willing to pay for the app on my windows phone. Pleaseee release on wp7!!!!!!
I'm glad to see that the mobile apps for SK are doing great and getting more features. Any plans to bring this app to Windows Phone 7?